About Chris Zaccaria

Chris Zaccaria is an LGBT artist based in NYC who self-identifies as a zany person. As a child in suburban Philadelphia, Zaccaria developed a keen imagination and a propensity to escape the reality of being an LGBT child by going into his mind. Chris’s imagination - overactive at times - was fostered by his loving mother - who encouraged creativity and expression. Her tragic death is what drove Chris Zaccaria to finally launch his art career.
Since then, Chris has worked to portray the realities of his imagination in acrylic on canvas from his studio in Brooklyn. Formally trained in data analysis, Zaccaria applies a similar skill set to his art and is known for his ability to take complex concepts or emotions and break them down into a relatable image that tells a story. Just be sure to pay attention to the details – as sometimes something is nothing – but other times it is something… Zaccaria considers his inspirations to be children's books, Spirituality, religious iconography and the everyday happenings of life.